For the last few months I have not posted a thing.
So today I was thinking...
Where have I been?
What have I been doing?
Why have I not been online at all?
And the answer is I have no clue.
My brain has just not been working smoothly lately.
I have been moving, living at the In-laws, painting, moving, unpacking, cleaning the new apartment, substitute teaching, painting, planning graduation, making a yearbook and oh painting.
So I guess you could say I have been busy but what I think is weird is that I have been way more busy than this and still found time to get my blog on.
So why have I not? I don't know.
But I did find out why I need this place.
I have come to the realization that I don't really do this blog for my family or my friends
I do my blog mostly for me
I use my blog to release all this stuff going on in my head
I get so excited when something new and "shiny" catches my attention that I forget what is really important.
I need my blog to get all that stuff out so I can think clearly.
Obviously enough for the past few months I have not been thinking clearly at all
I remembered today about my need to share, my obsession with having to share delicious nuggets of fun info to people that I love.
So basically I am saying sorry.
Sorry to you & sorry to myself.
This is a memo to me
Put your head on and BLOG!